Takuro Spirit

I’ll look into that!

When I first glanced at the cover photo I thought Tesla was adding hood strakes like the Chrysler Crossfire.

I honestly enjoyed my last visit to WDW immensely, but the die-hard Disney fanatics creep me out a little.

I think this is about as much as a “truck” as these are.

I’m not going to feel too bad about the guy with a quarter million dollar car getting busted for failing to pay his toll.

“But it’s also surely frowned upon to scatter human remains in very public places, especially amusement parks.” 

An urn from the Disney cemetery gift shop :

Hackers have broken the code securing Boring Co.’s super-secret design software, allowing us to peruse Elon’s never-before-seen plans for running tunnels under the LA basin:

Apparently, none of this will cause too much of a ruckus.

Sometimes, random stuff just happens...

Or buy a manual Tesla.

Now playing

The Tesla already has a 375 volt electrical system and the batteries are rated at 500 amps approximately. Can it really be too hard to add a Magnavolt anti-theft system?

Put a big ‘out of gas’ sign on the dashboard, that should discourage folks

Flash 2 pass. Unfortunately my fellow Americans don’t understand what that means.

Probably yelling “It’s a passing lane”!

I love how the drivers just casually pass him on the right like they see this kind of thing all the time.  

No, what was even more impressive is they allowed him to merge. Try that shit in New Jersey.