Takuro Spirit

$65,000 for a car that you could not be bothered to paint the engine compartment?

Crack pipe!

That photo was taken at Radwood last year and it was a requirement for all cars on display. 

That’s a pretty sweet gig, get sponsors to build your car at cost then auction it off at a high price based on your Klout to then write off on your taxes.

Thanks I just gagged. Why am I reading these!!?!??!

Common is not the same as benign.

Never trust anyone who still puts kicker boxes in their vehicle.

Reluctant crack pipe. I love roadmasters, but the carpet looks like someone tried with mild success to scrub out a whole lot of shit, and these things just aren’t worth $6k. $4500, hell even $5k I would consider a NP. Bu $6k is just too damn high

Ford Mucus

Yup. Seen it before.

Better anti-theft device than a manual transmission.


That snot real.

For those that aren’t old timers:

Q :

You just want to prove to Doug that he was wrong. 

The current deadliest aviation disaster occurred in 1977 under similar circumstances, when KLM Flight 4805 coming in for landing in a fog collided with Pan Am Flight 1736 sitting on the runway in Tenerife, killing all 583 people on both flights.

Pilot was really tired and still aborted the landing.

Just speak to Elon Musk, he’ll probably give them a falcon heavy rocket to strap to the top of the car.

Personally, I prefer a muff to a scarf.