Takuro Spirit

you spelled hugemanatee wrong.

Is that why it somehow got associated with Apple? Because it looks like a 20-year-old computer?

Does anyone really care about stuff like this? It’s not 1 of 1 because the original owner picked weird options buddy.

I can’t think of a 3rd-gen that I would want more than this one, but that price is ridiculous. Black and tan might make it unique, but it doesn’t make it particularly noteworthy, as both individually are common colors. I don’t want to be a Camaro guy playing Corvette Guytm, telling anyone who’ll listen why my car is

I just cannot imagine Aladdin without Robin Williams...

Zooming along the curved metal of the “A” was giving me Stargate flashbacks.

Don’t forget he also played a gunslinger and Nelson Mandela.  So a Heimdall piloted giant robot that can gunsling and win Nobel peace prize.

Yes! Now make him James Bond and put him on Top Gear. Idris Elba all the things!

They’re Italian, they’re already doing all they can.


I’m genuinely curious as to what we should call that engine mounting configuration. I mean... it’s not longitudinal or transverse mounted. It’s kinda on a weird angle and with the crank shaft output pointed sort of up and to the left. Or maybe down and to the right.

My god, were they going for the record for most uses of outdated 90s and 90s lingo in a 10 minute span?

Ken, thank you for not calling your tenth film Gymkhana X!


Are we sure this goober’s teeth weren’t missing before the crash? 

It’s like a chain re-auction.

In other enraging news, I just heard John Cena is signing on to the role of Paul Bunyan. He’s not even of Scandinavian descent! This is moderately racist on a very granular and esoteric level! I am recreationally outraged.

In this expensive game of hot potato, the loser is the one who is driving the car when it burst into flames.

At this rate, only 13 or 14 more re-sellings and this puppy is in my price range!