Takuro Spirit

To each his own. Please share with me your life decisions so I can unbiasedly question and berate them.

You would be a redditor.

I wasn’t picking on anyone, you dolt. Go back to Jez with your sandy vagina.

To be fair, my $2000 repair estimate is plausible, given OE parts and work done at a dealer to bring it to mechanical and visual perfection.

Jesus, how shit was your 5?

Is that a Puffalump on the hood?

lol $300

I just wanted to see how soft a snowflake you really were. Glad to know I was right.

It was a very.... one-sided talk.

‘77. The grilles are in the back seat.

Well its not done, duhhhhhh

Honesty is the best defense.

You’re a bit late to the Troll Party.

Don’t come out swingin’ if you aren’t afraid to take a few punches yourself.

Whoa, hold up, is this one of those Real People ads?

That’s racist. But then again Lil Wayne wasn’t under the age of 5 2014.

Puppies. I pay her in puppies.

I feel sorta bad as the lease payments eat into my Trans Am fund, but at the same time I was sick and tired of wrenching on rusty junk.

I also did the Subaru Swap Tango. It was my DD and I was sick of wrenching on it, and others that replaced it. I got this to fix up at my own pace, and I have a reliable warranteed DD now. 

No, that guy didn’t have a blinky avatar