Takuro Spirit

That sounds boring as fuck.

How big was the crowd behind that hay bale??

Oh, I can do worse. I can buy another.


Maybe you two can shop for purses while I look at LS swaps online.

Its easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission...

But were they, in fact, Stunting like their Fathers?

I bought it cheap as a roller so I can have a hand on every bit of it and build it how I want.

They call me “The Tank”

I hope they took the insurance...

Hey, I showed her my first car (a ‘77 Esprit), she even got me picture frames for photos I had, and never ONCE complained when I bought scale replicas....

Thank you for your support. Really. Its much needed at this hour.

That my wife would hate the very idea of it, refuses to ride in it when its done, every moment I spend in the garage with it, and every dollar I try to buy parts for it.

But then we wouldn’t get the sidebar full or titles including words like DUDES DICKS and WHITE PEOPLE DID THIS

Well you’re reading The Root. They only seem to have one tone over there.

Hell, if it worked in Water World...

Ah, I just LOVE the sound of mad spinning Doritos in the morning

What perfect timing... and its right at $45k

If it doesn’t have a 500+ hp V8 option, how is to compete with the Mustang and Camaro?

We’re still doing this? I’ve moved on to troll other posts by now. You should too.