Takuro Spirit

I was with you until:

I mean, I’ve used this method for driving damaged vehicles into the shop for repair after the tow truck dumped it outside in the parking lot but... down the road? No.

Meh, that’s nothing. Call me when they hit BOOBES

I drove from WI to FL a couple weeks ago, and the WORST offenders were in the mountains of Tennessee/North Carolina.

Silly Ford, always trying to one-up Ferrari.

I was in Florida last week and caught my first Corsola there. Also Heracross, which doesn’t spawn up north much.

Hmmm... what would you want for that Mr. Mime??

The Chevrolet Cameo Carrier also had a similar solution to spare tire mounting:

So Miata WASN’T the answer?

“$0 for my trade?!?!?!” SKRRRRRT

As a native Milwaukeean.... that’s not a ‘dealership’ and.... yup. That happens.

And most people treat cars like appliances and do not know any better. They probably throw away a lot of good things because they are worn out, defective, and need minimal maintenance or repair to make right. Its just the way society treats things these days.

If I came off as angry that was not my intent. My humor/srs bsns/omg this lady is dumb I need to make fun of her meter might be out of whack.

Wait, did the craigslist seller proof read this story or did you write this for Craigslist?

I’m going to need your keys to take a tst drive, a copy of your driver’s license, and your social so I can run a credit report on you to see what pile of shit on our lot you can barely afford....

This one was worse, however:

Oh, I used to notice it... back when I drove this:

From someone who “knows how it is” and works in the business it goes like this:

Its... Friday, right? Not Meh Car Monday??

Awww, would it hurt you THAT BAD to obey the laws?