Takuro Spirit

Lets just hope they sort out the whole ‘rustproofing the frame’ thing before it hits showrooms, unlike the JL.

C’mon Andrew... you know you wanna....

Its a PPV. It has spotlamps. They probably had the wheels/tires lying around.

Its in the Bonus Clips

Ride Negro right now

Now playing

You need to go back and rewatch the opening scene of that movie.

Unlike OTHER Cougars, I bet she didn’t need Maverick to guide her in.

I can see the trap door mod from here!

Visited a Panera Bread on Saturday, and a Culver’s Monday that had signs stating they were unable to offer salads....

Someone REALLY likes Astons

Fuzion tires? CP on anything that’s not a $3k beater.

Now playing

Finally, an option to be given Girl Directions.


Like LeMons, but with TV exposure?

Might wanna stay upwind of their draft

There could be kittens in there!!

Could lead to some interesting fights for direction like these tend to

Apparently a former owner of this one installed the rear trunk lid himself, because originally, one could only access things in the back through the front doors by folding down the rear seat

Silly Florida Man, this is why you only supply the cops with the carefully edited clip of the accident, and not the whole memory card.