Takuro Spirit

I like how they can’t be bothered to take nice pics of this, yet the Geo gets full love

Forget giving the speeding Frontier a ticket, how about that TAILGATING ASSHOEL IN THE GRAND CHEROKEE??????

Like the Ford GT? Man, I miss the days of the Ford GT. Thing came outta NOWHERE.

That ‘beater’ is in nicer shape than 90% of the junk on the road in my state. The CEL ISN’T EVEN ON.

Looks like your avatar

Mmm, sausage.

First “Motorcycle Guys” and now “Weirdo Comedy Show”..... is Univision preventing you from using THE ACTUAL TITLES OF THE SHOWS for legal reasons or has Jalopnik been overrun with young whipper snappers who need to get off my damn lawn?

Yeah but in the South its all Coke.

Oldsmobile laughs at your silly non-touchscreen TV

I like 1977 Trans Ams. I have a few ‘77 and ‘78s, along with some others.

Spoons. Spoons up.

Cops might shoot the cups if they find a brown Frosty in their car.

In before it calls for 13 hours for an engine replacement, and the techs get caught on the dashcams getting it done in 5 and the cops find FROSTY REMNANTS IN THE CUP HOLDERS.

Ordering Vanilla Frosties was the most disturbing part of this story.


I can’t speak for everyone, but here in the Rust Belt when you get your first car its probably not new, probably not well cared for, and you instantly learn to NEVER use the parking brake because 99% of the time they’re broken or seized from lack of use and RUST, and that first application either does nothing, or

I was trying to rationalize the $22,000 purchase of a Civic to something from MY youth that wasn’t a supercar or already high priced ‘classic’.

The should have arrested Casteel as well, for a horrible taste in dashcams and music.

I admit I have paid silly-ish prices for small trinkets of my childhood. But $16 for a mag, $10 for a Hotwheels car, $1400 for a Trans Am roller..... those are a drop in the bucket compared to a $13k Pathfinder.

There’s nothing mundane about a spec race car.