lyk dis if u cry evrytime
lyk dis if u cry evrytime
It's cool if you're modest, but it's sort of icky when you discuss how your husband feels about your body, as if he has ownership or something.
But in all seriousness I'm sad it turns out you aren't some burner troll and have an actual posting background because that means you are being genuine and just flat out grossly transphobic
I think they must have a lot of guys going on hormone therapy and growing breasts so they can harass women in specialty lingerie shop dressing rooms. It's what's known as "the long con". It's not like they can just go anywhere at any time to harass women. For those guys it's convenient because they also need to buy…
have you ever been to Austin? It's the least "Texas" city in Texas.
But......why question the validity of the appointment? So she doesn't look like what you consider to be a typical woman, but she identifies as a woman, and was in the market for a new bra. I don't see a reason to refuse service.
Also, I know a lot of cis women that have five o'clock shadows and funny hats.
She just wanted an excuse to write "privilege white male," I think. If it isn't written at least 100 times a day on Jezebel, Kinja breaks.
I don't blame him for the initial use of the hashtag...I'm sure the average privileged white male is not aware of the connotation behind the word "thinspiration."
Oh, I didn't know Kat was a fellow Austinite! Sweet!
I always read his name as "Alan Rickman" and I go through a split second of panic and confusion.
Seriously, it's getting really scary and seems to be happening so fast. It is depressing to see how, for whatever reason, there has been a major pushback on women's rights.
Also, we're not "killing children" by taking birth control, we're PREVENTING them. Learn some fucking science, genius.
I would LOVE IT if women got violent. Enough stories with the phrase "shot in the face" would do a lot to improve male-female relations.
You'd think. However, my husband is a feminist and we haven't had sex in a while, so apparently I haven't taken things far enough...
I think it might be easier than that: we just need to stop having sex with men. If every woman stopped having sex with men, I'm guessing we'd get this changed in about two weeks.
<3 u, boo.
^dis is why we friends.
If history is any indicator, you should start shooting some random black kids. The same right wing that denies your humanity will suddenly begin treating you as heroes whose rights must be defended at all costs.
I think we start with some low-level stalking and sexual harassment. After the high-fiving stops and they start complaining about how creepy it is, we kick it up a notch—peeping, leaving vaguely threatening messages on their Facebook page, etc. When we've got them good and scared we start threatening their families,…