i say this with only admiration: this is the snobbiest defense a promotional product from Burger King could ever hope for
i say this with only admiration: this is the snobbiest defense a promotional product from Burger King could ever hope for
I will review them for you when I get my grubby mitts on them!!!
The first ever article I read by Lindy:
Lindy — we don't know each other and I almost never even comment here, but for whatever it's worth, over the past year or so you have actually, literally inspired me. If this ever makes its way out of the greys, I'd like you to know that as I have slowly, foggily made made my way back from the land of creative…
I'm not going to pretend I'm happy for you, moving on to bigger and better. It makes sense, and you're worth the success, but right now, I'm just thinking about what this site will be missing.
At least we still have you Burt!
I'm fartbroken over your departure. As a fat woman in comedy, you have inspired me in ways I could never even begin to explain. Just reading your articles made me feel slightly less alone in the world. And as I started on my long, challenging road to body acceptance I had your amazing fucking attitude to aspire to.…
Man, what am I even supposed to say? Goodbyes can sniff my dong.
One has nothing to do with the other. The crazy part of the internet is the ability for anything to viral. A guy creating a kickstarter for potato salad can earn tens of thousands of dollars or a korean pop music video getting a billion views. It's unfortunate but that is the way media works nowadays. Personally, I'm…
And in years past, people would steal saucy letters written by women when they were young for blackmail purposes. Women had to deal with this sort of bullshit since they learned how to write.
I'd like to suggest using "slaves" instead of "brides"/"wives"—I know that the quotation marks capture the whole "their term, not mine" thing, but I think it's worth calling a spade a spade.
Why am I thinking Gwyneth Paltrow had something to do with this?
Why is a future show trial a bright side? For myself, I would be more than happy to drop 2,000 lb guided bombs on the ISIL fighters until they have trouble fielding anything larger than a squad anywhere. Justice is served in the international arena by preventing ISIL from doing anything else like this and possibly…
I understand why Obama is indecisive. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place. Fighting ISIS effectively one needs to further arm the Kurds - who obviously have their own territorial ambitions and want to break away from Iraq altogether. This would undoubtedly distabalize neighboring Turkey with their own Kurdish…
Heavyset women were considered attractive in the middle ages, as more weight meant wealth.
Sigh. The video actually makes the point that you can be the best according to your genetics. That actually means that some people, even when they're fit might look fat to your particular standards - but sure, go ahead and distill it into a pithy hashtag.
the sheer amount of bullying that was delta out during those three years was awful. Even now as an adult when I feel guilt for eating a cookie and enjoying it makes me hate them still. Young me wouldn't have listened to me now, I was kind of oblivious to the whole self-esteem thing.
I'm with Nicole. I've been out of high school for 7 years now. I'll take adulthood over junior high any day. Oh noes I have to pay a few bills and make my own dinner. So the fuck what.
I'll take the real world over middle school. Heck, I would sooner pluck my eyes out than have to relive grades 2nd-8th.