
Haha, wait, so you came here claiming that feminists are against male birth control, but you can't provide a single resource in which feminists have opposed male birth control? I shouldn't have to disprove an unfounded claim you made; it is your responsibility to back up your own fucking arguments.

If I hadn't already

No, their argument is not valid. There is no scientific basis to claim that plan-b is an abortifacient. Nor is there even a religious one, because the bible does not claim life starts at fertilization, but that's a whole other can of worms.

They might as well claim that menstruation is abortion. After all, we do expel

my rage-o-meter needle just broke reading that article.

You are aware that feminism is a sociological movement, and as such, has posted many sociological documents....on their sociological websites? Did you think we were just a bunch of random bloggers?

And I did google it....all I can find is a bunch of delusion people claiming that feminists are against male birth control

It's simply a hormonal contraception delivery device. Just like taking the mini pill every day, only a woman does not have to remember to take it at the same time every day.

Luckily for men, there are no medical conditions for which condoms are prescribed.

HAHAHA. Omg. Hold on a second, I need to recollect myself.

You clearly do not know how plan-b works. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy, plan-b prevents pregnancy. It prevents the sperm from reaching the egg, and if it does fertilize, then it prevents the egg from implanting. It doesn't end a

Why do so many women like you hate other women so much?

Turn down your radio...all I can hear is Rush Limbaugh. He has taught you well.

Last time you checked what, Sugar? Rush Limbaugh? David Barton's sham histories? If you think this country was founded to give one set of people the right to impose its beliefs on others, don't kid yourself that you're being patriotic. You're religious first, American second and you should just admit it.


When you are an asshole, be prepared to reap the whirlwind.

NO, she is too stupid to know.

It looks like a natural event. There are a lot of amazingly stupid people who don't realize yet that they will be fucked over, too. Let's hope she suffers!

Fuck off.

If I take your user name correctly, you will know what I really mean when I say this: Oh, bless your heart.

Plan-B does not cause abortions...or are you saying that they think it causes abortion?

Do you work hard at being this dumb, or does it come naturally to you?

That's not the point. The SC has just established that corporations have legally-protected religious beliefs.

Don't like the ruling? Don't work at Hobby Lobby or Conestoga Wood.