
Ringo has slowly morphed to my favorite Beatle. I like his style.

It’s not mightier than a duck.

He had a good run. Roll.

Sometimes it’s an acoustic “Unforgiven” in the encores.

y tu, Ashton?

You were going to read this eventually anyway.

Violent J has dropped some weight.

What is wrong with people? I thought this wasn’t real. Hoped.

HOW DARE you besmirch GI Jane.

I don’t remember a lot of racial slurs or talk of oral sex in Star Trek. This could get interesting.

I like Bryan Cranston more and more. This is a well thought out response. Sorta pie in the sky, but it’s nice.


A boss(y) baby.

I regret this comment can only be starred once. Well played

She gets money because her father and his friend were completely irresponsible, killing themselves and risking the lives of general public with their stupidity?? The world is insane. She already has 50 million or whatever from his estate/residuals.

Does Tyrese like pancakes?

This is tragically sad, yes. There are no words to express all the anger/sadness/disbelief being felt right now.

Foolishly? Money well spent, I say.

It’s a study in timing. When he was young, he was about as cool as could be. As he aged, he only got more pathetic with time.

It is going to totally blow.