
It’s a good thing you didn’t say people were massive cocks then.

I am probably in a microscopic minority, but I went back and watched Blazing Saddles at drive in throw back night last year and didn’t really enjoy it. It was okay, but the fart scene wasn’t as brilliant as I remembered as a child. I dunno. It was a time and a place, and it was REALLY funny in the 70's—but I don’t

Your cynicism is apparent. Game shows are sacred, they would never stoop so low as to perform publicity stunt like this. Ridiculous. How dare you question Drew Carey!!

The incest porn joke was hysterical—since the only people these Mortys (Morties?) are Rick and himself. Is it wrong to picture an all Morty orgy after this joke. I can’t unsee it myself.

When I am on a binge the intro gets in the way.

Things are about to get a whole lot weirder.

Demisexual. I want to you pay for a lot of things without putting out any real effort or affection.

You pay now!

Dre’s response: I can’t do nothin’ for ya, man.

I agree the writing seems to have declined.

I agree the writing seems to have declined.

I agree the writing seems to have declined.

This new comment format is jamming me up.

Thing is, some of these characters NEED to be whitewashed. Not exactly, but changed from original. Example they couldn’t have the original Mandarin character today—it’s patently offensive. Go watch some of those 1966 Iron Man cartoons.

Does Artie Lange complain about a radio host on that show? It seems to be his bread and butter.