Taint Nuttin

“Certainly he’s good enough to be a backup. … But we have a good No. 2, a guy that fits our system that we have familiarity with. He’s here for the same reason that (Dolphins coach) Adam Gase goes back to (Jay) Cutler. We know exactly what we’re going to get from the guy. Physically, Kaepernick’s more talented, but

But I can somewhat excuse him

Seriously, why do sane people actually still go to NFL games in person? Unless you are in a private suite or something similar, does anyone have a good time at NFL games?

My favorite was:

It’s because this has happened before. I’m not sure anything can happen to a Raider fan that hasn’t already happened. We’re used to it. We’ve won, we’ve lost, we’ve moved, we’ve come back, we’ve been royally screwed by the refs (*cough* tuck rule *cough*). We’ve had Holy Rollers, Immaculate Receptions, it just goes on

Flights to Vegas are going to be cheaper than stadium parking.

The Raiders. It’s all been kid stuff until now. From WYTS 2014, I present my favorite series entry of all time:

What a self-centered compulsive liar.

This guy was a three-time All-Star and actually won the ‘87 AL MVP award. Pretty far from bad...

Probably pointing out that it was plainly obvious during the primary that her message didn’t resonate very strongly with even the Democratic voters of that state, and so abandoning it during the general election was a HUGE FUCKING MISTAKE. Or are we not allowed to point out huge fucking mistakes made by a terribly

Sorry, are you talking about the grassroots support in the form of Union members on their way to campaign in Michigan that the Clinton campaign sent away? Because that was a great decision.

Way to take a garbage reading of those numbers.

That’s exactly right: they are completely blameless. Because they didn’t vote for 45*, you see.

Blind followers led to Trump, I don’t want the more of the same affecting the Democrats.

Wait, Democrats were banking on Libertarians to vote for them?

I voted for Hillary, but shaming independent voters as if they “defected” from the democrats somehow is fucking stupid. Who’s to say they weren’t Republican-leaning voters who were tossing their vote away from Trump?

Oh, but Ed Rendell and Robbie Mook said that Hillary didn’t even need those voters! Remember? For every progressive they lose they’ll gain two fat, white folks in the suburbs to replace them. Whoopsie!

The DNC seem hell bent on repeating the past mistakes. I think we need to actively shove last year’s fish in their faces. Repeatedly. It stunk the first time and a year later... still stinks.

Counterpoint: We have Trump BECAUSE of Hillary.

Not really.