Taint Nuttin

The fact that Marvin Lewis is still the coach there should give you some indication about this team wanting to cut ties with people who repeat the same mistakes.

It’s Berkley, there are a lot of them there.

If only Franco Harris could be so honest.

Take out The Trash Day.

It’s a strategy called a news dump.

“Next week - Bull Connor!”

Man, those Miami women sure are classy.

Correct. Born in 1976

Drew went above and beyond by writing this article when all he had to do was post the headline with this as the ensuing pic.

You. Win.

He should go with some tried and true baseballisms, like “Hustle, Grit, Humble”. On second thought, that’s probably too long, so he should probably just abbreviate it.

Baseball is a serious game with no tolerance for frivolity. We are professionals. We have a code. We take this seriously.

Kanye’s mom’s death? Jesus you’re really reaching now. Do you really think Swift did any research into the specific day? This is all label driven.

Who keeps track of the day that someone else’s mother died?

McGloin injury, Mc Mc McGloin injury...

The business of Hollywood IS objectification. So I don’t know why he’s acting like he’s telling truth to power when his whole career has been based on it as much as anyone else’s.

The question I keep asking Kaepbashers is why THE FUCK the Ravens signed an Arena League QB over the guy who handed my Packers their biggest home playoff loss EVER. Funny thing? They never have a fucking answer

I remember the Great Rugby Wars that gave us the right to be on the football field. So many dead, but we purchased such precious liberty with those nobly sacrificed lives.

My favorite Winston stat is that he has the same number of turnovers as Josh Freeman but less touchdowns