it’s because cord cutter me finally had a chance to see the Warriors on of course they screwed the pooch
it’s because cord cutter me finally had a chance to see the Warriors on of course they screwed the pooch
IOW - ruin them like they’ve ruined great schools in the US with bullshit diversity (diversity of color, not thought)- which is really just letting the dumber kids in the smarter classes - or eliminating gifted programs or anything to destroy a culture of excellence...
for explaining that she already denied the allegations and that she’s free to record at SONY with a different producer but wants out?
that’s a convenient excuse - victims often lie but we should believe them now....,
how did this girl become such a whiny bitch?
when I rape chicks, I lubricate my might dick with the tears of women...also the blood from their torn anuses...
this is more than just a movie, though - this is like menstruation - this is woman you have a fat, loud black chick making jokes...
obviously, if one doesn’t love the reboot, they hate women...
Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana also courted outrage in 2015...
they saw them at Duke and and Virginia, too...
I support raping your mother - if she happens to be a nigger, that’s all the better.
just think how crime would drop if they got rid of niggers? right?
hey, Black History Month is over Pander Bear...
I think we all like Bernie but are voting for the person who seems most likely to win
but she parroted something that was in the lexicon 23 years ago...
why don’t you run for something then?
if the black woman is a Somali- American, is Clinton the American American?
black voters are obviously morons who need white gawker writers to set them straight. This article is nonsense - in 1996, black leaders were asking for harsher sentences for kids in their communities - particularly regarding the sale of crack
yes, Clinton is hostile to blacks - you idiots - go vote for Trump...