Negroes are now complaining about negroes in black face? You fuckewrs never cease to supply a good laugh - sorta like Bo Jangles of the Mind...
Negroes are now complaining about negroes in black face? You fuckewrs never cease to supply a good laugh - sorta like Bo Jangles of the Mind...
he’s the antisemitic one for those who may not remember.
I was thinking the same thing - what was the point?
I don’t recall such hand wringing when Melissia Glick was keeping journalists away from BLM over at Mizzou by calling for “Muscle”
why, yopur parents never took you anywhere?
gee - the majority of people still use euphemisms for all bodily functions - as well as descriptions of sex.
like what? They bought us encyclopedias, other reference books, took us to museums, on trips to places like DC, we celebrated our culture in the home - I guess they taught me how to drive - but by then I’d been stealing their car for years after they went to sleep! (my dad did teach me how to handle grounders - etc)
White Gays aren’t white - sure, they look white - and the cops won’t bug them - and they make a stack, and they’ll never be red-lined and they can pass easily enough to never worry about employment and they can even win elections these days - but white - nah...they Gay - and that’s sorta like black without the…
growing up we had shelves of books in my house so I was encouraged to discover the truth w/o parents or teachers...
that’s probably why you’ll never be invited...
she - and by extension, you have it all wrong - she (a bougie, private schooled yella bitch if ever there was one) and by extension you must’ve expected Rock to come out and wag his finger like a Gawker writer - but there’s a reason that Rock is loved and Brown is unknown - because he used comedy to reach people -…
White Man writes about White People like he ain’t white... Rich - just because you suck a dick or take it up the poop, doesn’t mean you aint as white and as privileged as any other Gawker writer privileged cunt in Hollywood...
maybe she doesn’t believe the so-far unfounded allegations against Richardson
don’t be so angry - that bitch wants stars...
Damn - why DIDN’T Biden run? He cuts a striking figure.
there was sexual assaults at the Oscars! holy shit! that’s bad...
Actually, I don’t think you did...
Chris Rock eviscerated the SJWs last night ALONG with the academy for it’s lack of diversity - it’s been well known for a long time that when - for example, your typical Gawker writers whines about a lack of racial diversity they really mean a lack of POC who toe the line ideologically -that’s why COndi Rice and…
way down south in the land of cotton