Completely agree. She and her mom threatened Dr. Luke that they’d accuse him of rape, unless he released her from her contract. I also know people that work for Dr. Luke and they said she is certifiably insane.
Completely agree. She and her mom threatened Dr. Luke that they’d accuse him of rape, unless he released her from her contract. I also know people that work for Dr. Luke and they said she is certifiably insane.
no, you are totally a bigger, smellier ass hole than me. you are rosie o’donnell’s asshole. and I am right.
rape/drugging etc... as she said under oath. obviously, she is taking advantage of the victim culture that we now live in, it’s very obvious and sad for real victims that celebrities will revictimize them in this way.
Yeah. I fucking hate Hillary, but the tougher crime bills are a weird thing to be complaining about. Everyone was for them back in the day. It did seem like a good idea at the time.
I cant wait :)
Ono you didn’t!
What he said is horrible. But there is a pretty neat article about a university student reaching out to him about a year after it happened and talking to him about it. I really enjoyed reading it, and definitely don’t think I’d have been able to put in the emotional labour that guy did. Maybe I just have a low…
Who was kicked out of the group because of it.
lol yep. Love how white gay guys can act like they are honorary black guys.
The joke is that people are demanding diversity in Hollywood, right? Well, here’s your diversity. Stacey Dash. An actress turned Republican pundit that has been criticizing the #Oscarssowhite movement from the beginning. Not only that but she is heading the Minority Outreach program for Hollywood, a parody on the…
“Rocky is a science fiction movie.”
Best joke of the entire night. And I say that as a die-hard Rocky fan.
While I didn’t like everything he said, I think it’s safe to say he made things uncomfortable for BOTH white people who don’t want to talk about black people because they are old school “black people are inferior” racists (oh sorry, “people who don’t like PC culture”) AND white people who are well meaning liberal…