
I have some Hella high/lows on my Miata and its definitely prevented at least a couple accidents. Mostly lifted trucks merging or changing lanes and not looking. A train horn might be overkill, but the Hellas are loud enough to hear at least.

I have a BigBuddy heater. that thing will make my 400sqft garage about 20° warmer. might not sound like much, but when its 40 outside and 60 in the garage its very welcome.

I had a coworker who was totally anti mayo. he watched me make make it one night and completely came around. but if you dont even like dressing im guessing youre a lost cause on that front :)

Cool. But they totally missed out by not getting some Nas X blood in the mix.

I totally got it. Its amazing how much chuffa you can add with dressing and cheese.

youre telling me a big mac is a salad now? awesome!

At this point I assume it's being deliberately sabotaged.

I agree completely. But 100k should be chump change for a doctor.

yeah. but if your car does that on its own its worse.

That pretty much sums it up.

Trucks are useful because they have beds. Making them 4 door only makes them fucking worthless. Flame on motherfuckers.

With the tailgate down. That's a big ass difference.


It would cover most daily needs but really no. Give me a 100 mile Miata for 20k? Sure that makes sense. Or a 2 door pickup with a 100 mile range.

On mobile if inlook at my browser history I can see between 3-15 page loads for a single page. So my guess is they're scamming advertisers.

That's pret much what I want too. 2 doors good.

they have some devs. code doesnt go bad. someone makes itnworse...

I told the finace guy when we got a Corolla last year that if tried to sell us anything extra we would leave. and we left. they called us the next day and begged for us to come back.

This should be obvious to the operators if they used proper safety gear. All of our cranes are covered in vibration monitors that spew out tons of data so we know when a bearing is going bad, a motor isn't spinning hard enough, a rail needs lube, etc. It's not even that expensive.

Are you going to drive it back west from there?