
To be fair: I like gnawing on a stick of salami.

If you have lawers on staff its pretty easy to screw people.

When I've looked at what it would cost...it's still pretty damn expensive after batteries, management, etc... If I could do it with a 50 mile range for under 5k then I'm really interested.

Halfway? That's pretty optimistic.

Think gravity lens. Depending on where you place the lenses and the direction you apply gravity could gently lift, propell, brake, etc...

I love the idea of battery backup. But we're just not there yet for anything affordable.

What folks who live near those should do is leave all of their electronics at home and shoot the sensors with pellet guns.

If I had a parachute I'd get right on that.

I'm all for electric racing...but they need to do battery swaps for anything. Perhaps 2 packs max. So you can charge one and race one. Then you can strategize on things like how fast you drain a pack vs how fast you can fill one.

I’ll one up you. I recently got an Audible book, that was recommended to me and the phrase “meaty pussy” happened. That shit went back immediately.

I'd love to see them both do the Aristocrats. That would be a showdown.

The video looks like it's artificially sped up. Ffs. That's fast.

That's awesome. And the dude had solar, so you know he's cool.


That cracked me up.

I do it once a week, and have a failure rate of 5% or so with my home brew setup. But if you’re not dead set on that species...check out atl7, galadoni, tampanensis,...there all the same thing really. But the beauty with them is you just get it on agar, get it in grain, and wait for truffles. Potency is on par with

That would be better for sure. And if that’s the goal you can get away with some shortcuts. I’ve only see them in Astoria, and azures inland in the valley, so that’s a consideration. Definitely climate dependant. Just a still air box, some agar and plates, a pressure canner, and a bag of oats would do it generally.

I can really imagine the only thing someone would bother would be seeing outdoor patches. Like grow a bunch of myc overwinter and seed outdoor chip beds...

Gotcha. I’m in Oregon so familiar with those too! It can be done, but if I remember there are some extra steps required for fruiting. But they will grow out on agar to grain, then onto hardwood. Kings like lions mane really.

Cyanescens is a species which have been commonly cultivated indoors (in an artificial environment) and outdoors.