
I understand he’s the sole owner, and thus the board is appointed by him to comply with regulations. He probably put a few long time employees in there, his accountant, cousin whatever. People he chose.

Don’t feed that guy, he’s a moron.

TLDR version?

Yeah, you’d think that would be a more important subject to report on than how shitty this nerd is at flirting with girls online.

I don’t give a shit about this guy or his games which I think look like interactive dog shit cartoons, but wtf is this:

Because that’s another reason these framed smiles are better than the full smile print, the frame doesn’t trigger the uncanny valley which makes people look disfigured. I understand the confusion but this back and forth is really not worth it.

Looking for ward to this. Last season was such a good surprise, and I managed to miss ALL the ghosts!

Did I say disfigured people should be avoided?

This is a gift you pickup for someone else who isn’t gonna care enough to bother with the chinese pirate emulation machines or even know what emulation is.

These guys should be commended for making something so nice and retro-y in the best way.

You made a pretty big mistake there. only the first 4 episodes will be available at launch the rest will come on a weekly basis.

The opposite actually. Fully printed smile masks existed before this and look  even more creepy as you couldn’t tell it’s a mask from afar and juts looked like a disfigured person not wearing a mask (two reasons to stay away).

You shouldn’t be.

I don’t know how to say this the nice way so... yes, the 360 was launched in 2005 you dumbass.

I’m not gonna complain about the tired old gameplay mechanics that are straight out of the xbox 360 era.. but the graphics and the quality of the character models too are from 15 years ago. What’s up with the ridiculously huge torsos?

It’s the laziest way to make a franchise game these days. Get some recognizable characters to fight a bunch of repetitive goons and have the player grind up a skills tree like a brain dead zombie.

I appreciate you trying to express a more balanced opinion in the comments but the articles, especially their titles, are very agressive against Epic and on Gizmodo it literally veered into fake news when it reports an Apple lie (that epic asked for special treatment) as fact, complete with a click bait title.

Don’t count on these guys to report things accurately nor, god forbid, fairly.

Did corporate ask you to lick apple’s boot?

I’ll refer you to the first part of the first sentence of my second paragraph.