
Is there a single american developer not under investigation?

Literally no one is surprised.

Never heard of any of the people involved, and that’s great.

That text looks tiny

Oh the good old ewok glitch. They were supposed to be wookies after the first cutscene.

I believe you.

I saw a boar-like creature. It wasn’t bothering me, but it had something I needed. So I did what video games have taught me to do and struck it with my knife.

Looks like you have a good reference for how it should look on that box art.

Doesn’t it register as a loss if you disconnect from a match?

Did you get the right paint for it? which one?

The worse part of the story without spoiling anything is the damsel in distress with her son. She’s screaming the whole movie for her son that her evil husband has taken from her.

TENET, I’ve seen it. It’s bad like really really awful. Some reviewers are honest about it, others are just happy to go with the hype and get some clicks. (and maybe trying not the kill the theaters industry?) I just didn’t expect it to be so awful.

Get fucked.

I don’t follow blind brand snobbery like you and the other guy who replied. All the Logitech headsets I own and tested sounded like shit and then a turtlebeach I bought after checking a couple reviews turns out has excellent sound and ergonomics. I don’t give a shit what kids think of the brand.

Logitech headsets are trash when it comes to sound quality and that makes it hard to game with when every gun shot or explosion sounds like a snorlax underwater fart.

Anime dioramas are something that looks really fun to do. I’ll probably get into it someday.

Let me help you:

Unrelated but I just watched TENET.

Dear Ubisoft, allez tous vous faire enculer.