
Fuck Ubisoft and Activision for using the military and police fetish for profit.

I vouch for these. they’re really awesome controllers for games and productivity apps.

I vouch for these. they’re really awesome controllers for games and productivity apps.

It’s just really sad that we keep losing good and kind people while fucking bastards are still pillaging human kind, winning and living the rich life till their 80's.

Or a butt cheek from a 500 years old painting.

You’re wasting your time trying to educate these idiots on how positive change is achieved in an authoritarian system.

Actually, it’s used for green screen because of how image sensors detect light. they see green at a higher resolution than blue and red so green screen using green gives a cleaner result.

Actually it’s more like $200 since you can play wii games on android emulators pretty easily these days.

Looks pretty neat from the front, but when you see the other angles in the video, the fit an finish is very shody.

I dunno who asked her to write about things she clearly never experienced first hand but it’s really not the content I’m expecting from Kotaku.

OK, after the tekken article and now this, you clearly have no clue what you’re talking about. Were you a killer instinct fan when this was released? Were you even into video games back then or were you one of those casual gameboy tetris players?

A what now?

So will you guys stop promoting this military porn game now?

You dumb americans and your wooden houses. Get a fucking brain.

Morons, all of them.

Should call this morning rumors and not spoilers.

Urgh.. Can’t they just fucking adapt the actual games? Starting with the first one?

We cane give Sony and MS some slack on the hardware price, a 1TB nvme ssd is still pretty costly and they’re probably still negotiating a reasonable price with suppliers.

This is why ”pirate” emulation is a necessary preservation service.

How about they change everything about the level design. The same old mountain forest with a halo far in the background is so fucking boring.