
I wonder why every epic vs apple article on the gizmodoverse is leaning on the side of apple who are basically the app mafia here.

They’re the good guys because they’re fighting to keep all the pieces of the cashcow THEY made, not apple. No one’s trying to steal a share of iphone sales.

LOL, as a non destiny player, whenever I see destiny art, it’s usually characters in heavy armor with helmets.

Real game bars that are in trouble used game consoles, this one in this clickbait article is not the same, it’s using totally legal arcade cabinets. So it’s not your fault.

Have you ever noticed how apple never sponsors any sport team, sporting event or cultural activities? It’s all commercial money making business for them. Give them your money and shutup.

Yep, there are a few basic functions missing, but the craziest thing is that it’s still the best blog comments section. The bar is so fucking low.

This bar seems to have only Arcade machines, which are designed for this unlike home consoles which are illegal in commercial use.

Kinja post be like

Home consoles are for personal use, not commercial. It’s illegal to set them up in a business for your customers to use.

Very gimmicky stuff. Nothing worth hyping up.

You expect too much from 2020 io9. It’s not 2007 anymore.

How about no?

How about no?

Big publisher games in general are a ripoff at launch or at, god forbid, preorder.

They explored different options.. for making an extra buck out of their most loyal early customers.

Of course.. How could I think no one would do that. smh

I know but it’s still really dumb for anyone with a public image to do that. You don’t see people in europe having khmer rouge parties just because that genocide happened far away.

Ninja on Ninja crime is a serious problem in Japan.

A Japanese dude cosplaying as a monkey with dark makeup in a nazi themed party. Does he even know what the aryan race is? (he doesn’t)

I wouldn’t mind a Persona 5 port.

It’s pretty ironic that a disabled person would choose to modify their vehicle in such a way that would create more disabled people even at low speeds. (or probably kill them)