
Correct me if I’m wrong but the Avengers game has you grinding to upgrade equipment stats for your characters, so they made hulk wear those rags around his arms that you upgrade?

Personally I’m not a fan of seeing only one (usually undesirable) comment at first. Makes me do one extra click to get to the comments.

It’s always funny (and sad) to see a bunch of poor people donate to a millionaire.

She’s literally not a member of the original suicide squad.

That’s inevitably what will happen if they have her in the team. They’ll also probably model her as a knockoff Margot Robbie just like they did with the Avengers which is doubly crappy.

They better not put Quinzel in the team or I’m out. It’s fucking ridiculous how hard they shoehorn her into every DC property these days.

The actors?

Personally I find it disrespectful. The same way “death by police” is a way to ridicule someone too coward to kill himself without any help.

Is there a policy in place around here forcing you to use the “died by suicide” euphemism?

I’m gonna be polite here, I fucking hate it.

I was gonna get a switch the other day but a quick look at the prices for games in the online store made me change my mind. Even old games are still at full price. I don’t have time to play that much anymore so full price on every game I wanna play for maybe a couple hours is a no no.

The last OG video games company is doing great. That’s good news to me even if I haven’t been a Nintendo customer for over a decade now.

Prometheus was pretty good, the one that came after, that’s the turd.

I don’t think they understand yet how this is supposed to work. They don’t have the constitutional right to mute or ban people, so what kind of stupid rules do they think people will have to follow in the chat?

People will always complain no matter what you do. Even if your main character is a racoon, someone will bitch about the color if its hide.

You’re mad because the protagonist in this game is not black and the white dude you were forced to play as doesn’t have 21st century wokeness?

wow that’s crazy!

I’d argue that after being payed, they would use some of that money to ramp up attacks.

Not a fan of that one, it’s a dangerous earworm.

Snickers bars were also bigger in the Edo period. Modern times suck.