
I was expecting better from io9"

Only way a curved TV would make sense is if you have a small room and want the biggest screen possible.

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That was my favorite Mondo Grosso track until they released this one:

Sometimes it’s sheer incompetence, sometimes it’s to get free advertising like this article.

Pretty sure PC moders will have this fixed in no time, probably even adding DC characters while they’re at it.

Even then, Umbrella contradicts its own rules on time travel. In one episode nothing can they do changes the future then a few hours later one guy tells another guy to not do some thing or they’ll all cease to exist because they wouldn’t be born. It’s the most basic shit you gotta get right if you do time travel in a

Are you a human?

Oh no, those damn UFO machines aren’t sucking enough coins.

In the midst of dying of electrocution.

Parts of it are so forgettable that I don’t even know what cops or what crime scene you’re referring to.

Time travel is real, quantum particles do it constantly. The whole universe is made of those, so... actually the light you’re seeing right now that forms the letters you’re reading has particles that are both already inside your eyes and inside your lcd screen at the same time.

The bad guy is hilariously ugly in that movie. My wife was like WTF is this dude, is he a mutant?

Of course I’ve watched the boys. Though very bad news for the second season, it will be weakly episodes.

Just binged Umbrella Academy 2 over two days.

I thought so too but then I chose to believe what was written in this article.

Urgh.. Cartoon Network style circa 1997.

The house and its surroundings looked like ruins even before the incident.

Is your sarcasm detector malfunctioning today? Did you try rebooting?

May God have mercy on you. (that’s a proper way to say it for his muslim faith and not RIP)

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They love video games over there, here we have a video of israeli “defense” forces using Mortal Kombat moves on some Palestinian kids: