
They really should be on a 35 game losing streak. But they got lucky and beat the Chargers in their last game in San Diego. As it is, the Browns are the only team in NFL history with back to back 17 game losing streaks.

Guess a movie doesn’t begin at conception either.


Lol you thought I was talking about future children on this landmass.

When future children are in history class and learning about the fall of the country formerly known as the United States, they will be completely dumbfounded as to how all of this was just allowed to happen with no consequences whatsoever. 

A big thanks to my friend Jemma Arman for her comments on each of the articles in this series, and a big thanks to all of you for reading.

From King of the Netherlands.

Michelle only went sleeveless because she thought conservatives would love a free gun show

I was horrified and terrified by the number of people who were attempting to justify this. While I’d been making dark comments since November 2016 about this being the end of our nation, a part of me really didn’t believe it.

Or perhaps when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor...

The rampant violence that leads people to seek asylum from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador can be directly traced to America sticking its nose into the affairs of those countries.

We’ve seen this story before, played out in the same country, with just a different set of nonwhite people, and we already know it doesn’t end well.

I appreciate the dissonance of politely calling him ‘Mr. President’ before lobbing a glorious f-bomb at him.

ALSO, they’re reintroducing legislation to repeal the ACA. So, like the nazis they love, it seems like they want to get rid of the sick and disabled too.

“This is a man who has never loved an animal.”

Thank you for this. I’m so, so sorry. For this administration, that you have to exist alongside people who agree with it, for not standing up and yelling louder. I’m just so, so sorry.

“The Trump administration is looking into erecting tent cities in El Paso, Texas to house up to 5,000 unaccompanied minor children separated from their parents as a result of the Trump administration’s horrifying policies.”

Exactly. 5-4 decision.

During the election I kept trying to point out to all the “they’re both the same” 3rd party (lets be honest they were all white) assholes that 1) No, they’re not. and 2) Its not about them, its about the courts.