
holy shit, lol. Jesus.

*solidarity fist*

One person getting shamed out of a Mexican Restaurant is them being dumb. When it’s Miller time Nazi (heart cold as hell and full of stale piss) and Ms. We Have Always Resettled the Children in the East, both of whom have featured prominantly this week. I say as a mod, that’s pure trolling, that’s not just them being

Between that and all of them going to mexican restuarants in the last week, they’ve hit the full troll point; if they were online, that’s generally when a mod would banhammer their a*sses without warning.

Not the end. But all one thing or all the other.

God damn it.

Virtual gods who get bored?

Oh man that’s dark. Take my star.

It really puzzles me what would even be in his library. Cheeto jesus doesn’t read, so I can’t imagine he takes the time write sh*t down.

You can set your profile to private. And in general nobody can see your posts, except for moderators in certain circumstances. The prime moderator can see peoples’ emails, but its work to check.

Here here

Yeah, remembering that the last year or two has been us being lucky and avoiding any big external crisis is... not a wrong thought, a very weird thought given the apocalyptic flavor of the last year or two.

It has been very disturbing to me how often that what I’ve been reading about how this administration deals with immigrants reminds me of the first couple rooms of Yad Vashem

Is it new? Seems to me this is the same old grand old party, just with all the rhetorical niceties stripped away

His essays can be alright (which maybe more a function of his editors than anything.) His novels is all ‘white boy with feelings of inadequacy’ trash.

I’m starting to suspect this country has a drug perscriber problem.

How does a quack like this even get a license?

Yeah, false friends was why I was like “I vaguely remember learning this, but better pull out the lexicon and be sure before I’m the person that’s wrong on the internet while trying to do a smart”

I was about to be counter pedantic about it being from a latin root caballa (somewhat unusual word for hidden)

I really don’t understand why anyone would sign onto one of these letters.