
I know that many aren’t really fans here, but I loved Anthony Bourdain. I read his book many years ago and related to him so deeply. A person that also struggled with drugs and depression. This makes me really sad.

When it leads to your impeachment.

oooh that’s diabolical!

“I brought you into this world and I can take you out.”

The best way to torture your Sims is, of course, to go the Full Job. Give them a spectacular life, and then proceed to tear the whole damn thing down around them.

Sometimes I wonder how Christianity would have fared if that asshole Paul had never shown up. I’m an atheist, but reading Jesus’ words it’s hard not to like the guy- he was a radical determined to shake up those in power, he taught that people deserved to be treated well, preached that the poor should be fed and

That is absolutely, positively, going to happen. And it’s going to give the base commander huge headaches. “My son’s tutor can’t get on the base! Where’s my pizza? My lawn is growing, where’s my gardener?” Oh, I have lived on a base and I know the blowback from people ON the base will be huge, because nobody who’s not

I didn’t think there could be a worse way to tip than a Christian pamphlet but here we are.

Ironically, the answer to “what aren’t we listening to?” is also “sports radio reports.”

I love how he showed the “You aren’t listening” sign again after being asked if he was going to say anything. Get the message now, reporter?

This is less for Trump and more directly for our media to stop spewing the same both sides shit. By putting what he said in writing on their video no one can sound bite the part they want.

This. Kevin Spacey was WELL KNOWN in Savannah at the College of Art Design for his lechery with the college students. It was quietly in the background of every place he filmed at. Weinstein was a known problem that actresses warned each other about. These things are almost always known before it comes out.

The Internet can be a vile place, so it says a lot when even darker corners of it respects Fred Rogers.

A good rule to follow is if someone is willing to mock Fred Rogers they are probably a trash human being and not worth much of your time.

The Internet can be a vile place, so it says a lot when even darker corners of it respects Fred Rogers. The man was who he was: a good man with a great mind and the heart we all ideally should strive for.

I am still not over Jim Henson. When I think about how he died right when computer animation was just starting to become feasable, and the kind of things he could have done with some of the technological wonders that followed, it’s just heartbreaking all over again.

i am going to watch this in a crowded theater and tear the fuck up and im excited for that

...but the film’s one major flaw is that it can’t quite bring its subject back down to Earth. That’s not for lack of trying.

If something like a Jimmy Savile situation ever came out with him, I would genuinely fear for this world. I easily picture a lot of people becoming violently ill and completely hopeless all of a sudden.

I am going to watch this in my living room by myself because I’m one of those kids from the 70s who was basically raised by Mister Rogers and I can’t imagine watching something like this around other people.

I enjoyed his show, greatly respect Mr Rogers and think that the world would be a better place if more people followed his example and died in 2003.