
Also, weren’t all the space marines clones of him? Also, isn’t he like supposed to be from the stone age?

Oh, I doubt thats the case with Walmart. I have a hunch their lawyers are better than the gizmodo comments section lawyers. Just a hunch.

Probably better than your imaginary utopia.

Oh, PAX is excused because they didn’t research the speaker.

Agreed. Its pretty silly to change their mind like this. I’d be very pissed if my professional organization did this. I really hope this isn’t the normal practice for PAX going forward. Makes me reconsider their event I attend.

This isn’t him getting banned from twitter, which is effectively a no cost event for him. He likely spent money for flight, hotel, and tickets. He then told his fans to come (chances are some are in the area).

This is about how I am feeling with Prey (2017). Its so good, but I am such a wuss. Everytime it gets intense, I power through it and then just need to take a breaker. 

Oh shit! I could have written for Game of Thrones.

Adams’s entire point is that this app facilitates the news cycle for the benefit of the victim. The media is there badgering them with questions both in person and through social media.

I don’t really see what he is doing different than the 24 hour news cycle we have. When a tragedy strikes, they reach out to witnesses even as they are just beginning to handle and come to grips with the events.

Excellent piece. Its hard to appreciate just how high the water can get in a couple hundred years. When we talk about sea level rise by 2100(~1m with some models showing as much as 2.5 meters), we see a significant loss of land, but largely something tolerable and adjustable over four generations. You build some

I thought a winner was “the Orville Fan Experience” which had an offsite at the SDCC. If you didn’t know, a fan made game to explore, interact, and even fly the Orville with blessing from the show itself.

Explain to me how a reclining seat removes your knee room when it is above them. Are you sitting cross-legged?

What the HELL was that place Fury was chilling at?

It is literally him being the new Iron Man. We could very well see him leveraging the Stark wealth toward a better world in a few movies.

What if that giant facility was a refurbished and repaired Knowhere? Seems reasonable. It was thoroughly trashed by Thanos in Infinity War. Looked utterly dead.

I doubt it. The entire film, Fury seemed ‘off’. He wasn’t suspicious. He was relatively easily fooled. He was cautious and even second guessing. 

Honestly, I am convinced that any sufficiently powerful civilization becomes so decadent, ambitionless, and self-sustaining that they simply stop. They exist on a handful of planets. They migrate if they need to, but exist for thousands, millions, or even billions of years effectively stagnant.

What a bizarre legal constraint.