
Even if Orlando Jones is overstating his grievances, its clear this show’s production efforts are a complete cluster fuck.

Oh my God, that thing is incredible. He put divots on tungsten. I am very impressed... and scared.

I mean, ya. He’s a dork, a goofy weirdo with a huge ego. He acts like a dick and acts like an Internet Troll when called out on it.

“Normal laws for all of us don’t apply to billionaires, as we saw with last week’s verdict in favor of Musk who called some poor fellow a “pedo guy” with absolutely no evidence.”

I have no doubt he is wearing a 7K mask ready to beat some ass in the finale.

Am I wrong?

Shandor Mining Company.

They were describing these stores as primarily a place for kids to ‘experience’ toys. Its what the market lacks since these stores closed down. A kid can’t play with a toy or see it up close from Walmart only has shelf space, few active or interactive displays.

I am pretty sure he is mistaken. He showed Sister Night at his theater in New York.

Fair enough. I said the same when graphics cards became a required piece of hardware for gaming.

Fair points on the isolation. I tend to play VR right after my son goes to bed. I’ll play for 20-30 minutes with generally highly physical games to get some exercise and have some fun. Beatsaber primarily, although a playing Skyrim VR for 30 minutes can be exhausting if you are in a ruin fighting a lot.

So what you experienced is motion sickness. It happens sometimes on first use. Its also more common with some titles not designed for VR that get ported over.

They now sell headsets for $350. Hand tracking is done by a pair of camera on the headset. Works well. Obviously not as good as the Index, but as an entry level, quite well. 

Mr. Pulliam-Moore,

I just want another Superman movie. I liked the first one. It was interesting. Gorgeous. A truly likable and somewhat aloof Superman playing to his biggest strengths: being an icon. 

I am just getting caught up on the show. Thank you for these write-ups. This episode was so dense, it almost felt like I experienced two separate shows.

“spiritual connection a person can have with a piece of clothing that they’ve stumbled upon while wandering through the racks of a glamorous department store.”

I have had zero troubles with the service so far. HOWEVER, it is sorely lasting a title I feel simply should be viewed to understand historical roots and where we’ve come from.

I am not sure if learned anything from this article. I read words, but I don’t think anything was revealed with them.

Absolutely agreed. It was inappropriate. I am tired of seeing people find some weird way to defend such actions.