
probably just the eye of Horus that Ozymandias appropriated as his superhero symbol

So pumped for this!

Campaign sex is sadly a common thing. Its usually a short term collection of mostly energized and energetic young people who are either volunteering or working for low pay bunking with each other and covering god-only-knows how much ground per day in a high stress, high tension environment.  Ain’t saying right or

So you can have a consensual sexual relationship with your employee whose salary you are paying and whose job is dependent on your good grace? And you can give that person a bonus with taxpayer money? Because when a man does this I’ve been told it’s impossible for that to be consensual and it’s rape and also a huge


Well said. Fuck China. I’ve been a fan of the rockets for decades now. I think I need to move on. Focus on college ball instead.

I was sleepy so maybe I mis-heard him this morning on SC, but James Harden seemed awfully accommodating to the Chinese government while speaking to reporters in Japan about this. It’s one thing for an idiot President to sell out Hong Kong (not to mention the Kurds, but they don’t buy a lot of NBA merch so let’s leave

I’m sure the million ethnic Muslim Ugyhurs residing in the Xinjiang re-education camps will be happy to hear about the NBA’s commitment to Chinese fans as they assemble for their 5 a.m. re-education seminar. It will make their morning rice gruel taste so much sweeter.

Interesting idea. I personally see it as not “gender neutral”, but nonconformist.

Buc-ee’s is the greatest. No clue about how their coffee is but the food is fantastic, the bathrooms are spotless, and the beaver is awesome.

:sigh: Are we that fragile now? Thank God movies like Taxi Driver got made already. This is a movie about the Joker for God’s sake, he’s been a bat shit crazy mass murderer for about 75 years now. (60s TV shows and cartoons not withstanding). Go, see, walk out, and bitch afterword. 

Yeah, it looks like SW is pulling some Marvel fake-out shit on that Sith Rey. Probably Matt Smith under that hood.

Exactly what I’d expect. It’s great that you want to plan your strike. Use company resources to do so, and don’t expect to keep your access or job.

You must have missed the part where they were offered the slot, agreed to it, then pulled at the very last minute and not given a reason. This after advertising to their audience and spotlighting PAX. That is as shady as busines practices come.

That’s not the point here. Colin said repeatedly that he doesn’t believe he’s owed a platform, and that he’s happy to stay away from where he’s not welcome. The problem is that they gave him a panel, very clearly told him it was okay to advertise to his fans that he’d be there, and then took it away AFTER him and a

He has a point tho, no ones cares as much about the deaths caused by traffic accidents etc as much as they do when 1 person gets shot.

Chris is a liberal and the podcast is apolitical. This article seems so misinformed. Calling  Chris a conservative talking head is insane.

What a wonderful video. I’m not crying. You’re crying. As a Father who deals with epilepsy and who has a 9 year old daughter who is a huge fan of the Descendant movies his death spooked her. My wife and I spoke to her last night before we all watched the last Descendant movie that Daddy doesn’t suffer the same type of

That Wikipedia entry is completely wrong. Just utter made-up bullshit. 

And to me it makes sense that a heterosexual man would find the same qualities his best friend has attractive in a female body.