
I’m not gonna lie, the PC store front situation has impacted my choice to buy it or not. Particularly frustrating since I was just given a gift card for Steam.

“Of course, what Feige said should be the truth. This shouldn’t have been a big deal. Being gay is just a part of life and that character fit in well with the themes of the movie. “

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that the control variable probably wasn’t skin color or race, but income level and density of the area.



I saw some pictures of an LGBT flag at a US embassy, but it was on a seperate flag pole and flown below the US flag.

Do not take my conspiracy videos away from me! Those crazy tin-foil hat folks aren’t spouting hate speech.

Theory of Bastards sounds so interesting, however I keep hearing mention of the ‘second half’ being the dystopian bit. What little I see sounds very cliched.

I fully expect Jon Snow to murder her at this point. Everyone is shitting their pants about her bahavior. No one believes they can convince her to act justly. Its sad. She saw clearly right and wrong before, but she can’t see it in the face of her hunger for power.

I mean, if Brie Larson was standing there, I’d probably do the same.

This would be delightful if thats what they are going for.

The true surprise cameo that NO ONE is talking about:

So Sharon made out with her Uncle?

“The scene ends in a joke about Gamora’s only choices being Quill or a tree, but it could have just as easily incorporated a mention of Gamora, say, having settled because her only options were Quill, an animal, a tree, a fool, or Drax. An even simpler alternative: let’s see Valkyrie in New Asgard in a relationship

If you think Black Face is offensive because it is simply a white person looking like a black person, you are extremely uneducated on the practice and judging from a very ignorant position.

I just bought one a month ago from my local CVS. Two in a package for $30 bucks or so.

That is so presumptuous. First, you assume that all the world fits in these nice categories for you instead of having a plurality of opinion.

So what is Cersei situation? Isn’t her son dead? How is she still on throne? And in the face of the walkers, is she just going to chill out smugly in King’s Landing?

Oh man it sounds so good! As a 90s kid, I am going to be grinning.

Also, I NEVER once thought of Daria as a feminist influence, but she obviously is! Never thought of it that way.

Oh Lordy. I had no idea that this might actually be a good movie.