
It should have been a Quiet Place. I have never experience sound to such a degree that I felt it nearly replaced cinematography as being the main tool of the experience.

so Bohemian Rhapsody skipped over his gay lifestyle?

Wait, so your saying that in the 60s and such, the main character couldn’t partake his encounters in the closet?

Oh? I heard BR was a hell of a movie.

which kind of blows,”

Damn! I can’t even free-hand a Texas that good! I’m impressed!

Same here, unfortunately, I am in an Asp Explorer out in the depths with some significant hull damage and no rebuy money. :/

Ya, normal travel is a hyperspace jump between systems within a few dozen lightyears of eachother. Once in system, you supercruise to refuel if near an appropriate star, scan planets (which can take many minutes), or align to jump to your next system in sequence.

Wow. They screwed up. It looks good in a still frame, but in motion, bleh!

Can I just mention that Squickwonkers, the book Evangeline Lilly wrote is really good?

Strange. None of these really captured my interest.

It sounds like the people were reviewing some of Deep Silver’s older games, primarily Metro and Metro: Last Light in particular.


You don’t seem to realize that a company could list their product for sale on Epic AND Steam, allowing consumers to choose the platform they prefer. Deep Silver was offered a monetary incentive to exclusively sell on Epic, removing consumers from the store choice for the product.

Bethesda needs to replace whoever is managing the Fallout 76 product. They clearly either can’t maintain control of the team to maintain changes and fixes or lack vision of the experience of a player. Its incredible.

If Pop did it, I would have to assume he’d have justification if not a judicial blessing to do so. 

I agree, but that doesn’t mean her arguement is without merit. She gave the item to NASA for testing and confirmation. Looking back, NASA refused to return it, but in the end it was hers and was returned. However, in the process of holding it, they damaged it in such a way that she did not give permission.

It is no

Emotional distress doesn’t get awarded often, but it can frame the rest of the arguement. Its a branch of the damages of the lawsuit that the plaintiff often will negotiate on for a settlement. “I’ll drop these claims and focus on the material loss of x dollars.”

Kinda like how a prosecutor will bring like 8 felonies

JESUS! They want 21 grand for a Mazda 3?!?!

I really struggle to see this from your perspective.