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    My ‘71 MGB has reverse to the left and down.

    The rebellious crew from Hackers did it before The Italian Job remake.

    You can make ‘em oversteer...

    Love that game. Have it for the PC around here somewhere.

    I’m kinda envisioning this staying on a relatively straight stretch of road, honestly. For example, if you put them on the major roadways, and then just have them travel up and down that single roadway, you have coverage for a very long stretch of a highly populated section of town.

    So, from talking to a friend (who’s involved in the Oregon Trail Rally), he said that, basically, NASA doesn’t want to organize events, just sanction and provide insurance. They don’t want to create rulebooks and regulations.

    SCCA ran it when I was an active driver, and while there were some things to complain about, they were generally minor. Each event went by SCCA rules but, unless they were a national event, were pretty much independent.

    It’s time to upgrade to a VIC-20 so you can run SpeedScript.

    Didn’t realize there were so many stupid people out there...

    It’s just like seatbelts. Everyone should wear them but most people don’t.

    Having your car out making money for you while you’re not using it sounds great!

    Ah, but you fail to see where these camera mirrors are going. With wide-angle lenses, you no longer need windows to look through to see your blind spots.

    Oh crap, all power to my car just died while in the middle lane on the freeway. I’ll just do a quick check of the side-view rear camera to see if I can safely coast over through the next lane...

    You’re good people.

    To be honest, if I know there’s going to be a vegetarian there, I do in fact go out of my way to provide tasty offerings for them. But I don’t actually know any, so it happens very rarely (like a friend of a friend or something).

    You have a transmission cooler on that thing? Might have been a ruptured line. Or are you sure it’s a fuel issue?

    Yeah, the same way that my cookouts are as “vegan-friendly as possible.” Hey, we have a salad over there...somewhere. It’s probably still eatable.

    This Huffy is the equivalent of a Suzuki Samurai, not a Jeep.

    It’s definitely an interesting idea. It creates a lot more math for the rallymaster (and scoring crews), though. But it could be a fun item to add to an event.

    Point of contention, your honor?