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    Real Genius FTW!

    This is what’s known as a ‘racing incident’ with nobody at fault, most likely. The lead Miata shut the door so abruptly on the camera car that there was no chance of the camera car doing anything in time but tap the back end.

    So...is this the first crash at the newly repaved track? Like, they just spent I think 15 million to repave that thing; that would have been the optimum time to investigate any curbing issues...

    You really want your mind blown? The Chevy Camaro runs (competitively!) in FIA GT4.

    Yep. Go read Perry McCarthy’s Flat Out, Flat Broke and you’ll find that the underlying theme isn’t how great of a driver he is (he’s the original Stig, after all), but the fact that he was always scraping for enough money to bring to the table so a top level team would pick him up.

    Agreed; if I’m buying a track-focused car, I’d rather buy an actual race car.

    I don’t think this necessarily proves they were cheating; it means that ACO realized that it’d be one heckuva boring race, so they’ve evened the field now that they’ve seen the pace of everyone.

    That reminds me, what apps are you running on Android? I’ve been playing around with SDRTouch and Avare ADSB, they seem pretty slick.

    Witnesses reported a loud sound in conjunction with the crash.

    Around here, most of the ambulances have a red and yellow striped rear like the one pictured. In my hometown, it’s even more dramatic — they do the striping over the entire rear, including the doors. It stands out very well; unfortunately, it’s just on the rear.

    Whoa, flashback to my childhood. I wanted one of those so bad...

    Are they preventing him from coming through the drive-through in a car? No? Then what’s the problem?

    Nice! I recently added a discriminator tap to my Uniden BC246T, which allows a program like Unitrunker to grab all sorts of interesting info about a trunked radio system.

    Tangential to this, but just as an FYI to those interested in flight tracking, anyone with a radio capable of picking up the proper frequencies (police scanner, rtlsdr, etc) can pull ACARS data from plans within range using software like acarsd. Your radio doesn’t even have to be new and fancy, just able to tune in

    Taught my high school girlfriend how to drive on my MGB GT. The hydraulic clutch in it is easy to use. Last I checked, she still drives a manual to this day.

    I agree the costs for F1 are insane. However, racing has always been a money loser, for all disciplines. It’s largely seen as a marketing expense by companies with products to offer to the layperson.

    Came to post the Sia version, glad to see you beat me to it. It really is an excellent version of the song.

    The Redbull team has a lot of other revenue streams, though.

    The Grand Tour > TGT > Top Gear Three

    Be honest, do you really think it took them all that time to come up with the name? Heck no, I bet they had that name figured pretty quickly. The rest was just highly entertaining marketing.