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    There’s actually a Benny Hillifier; unfortunately the speedup isn’t working.

    Perfect timing, I’m currently reading Ben Elton’s “Time and Time Again” which deals with WWI’s beginnings.

    Andrew S White took one on an adventure somewhat recently. Good read, good video:

    That, and if you tell people 3 nice things, and one negative thing, an hour later they’ll only remember the negative.

    My dad drove a 26ft, 1978 Winnebego Brave into DC with 4 kids (and mom) back in the late 80s as we took a cross-country trip. I have few recollections of driving in DC (I was pretty young), but he did it.

    Reminds me of the story Jay Leno tells of driving his Morgan 3-wheeler. He rounds a corner at breakneck speeds, and sees a cop. So he pulls over, because obviously the cop will want to ticket him for such reckless driving. But the cop doesn’t budge. So he walks over to him (when you’re a celebrity, you can do that

    And Chrissie Beavis is a rally veteran. Those two ladies comprise a formidable team.

    The fine print at the bottom of the screen in the various scenes are fantastic.

    Thank you! Trust me when I say there is much, much more to come!

    If I recall correctly, the golden calf didn’t work out so well for the Israelites...

    The answer is, and always will be, a Bugeye Sprite. If you’re tall (like myself and my dad, who has a ‘59) you can just about reach the ground while sitting in it with the doors closed.

    New car? No. If you’re having issues, and cost is a concern for you, don’t go buy a new car.

    Now playing

    I could care less if you pull it or leave it on.

    Looks at wife’s Jetta that starts with 3VW...

    That lead photo is begging for a photoshop contest.

    If you’ve never driven one, you simply don’t know what you’re missing. Nothing should be this fun with just 948cc.