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    Yup, I bet this car is at the bottom of a lake, and the owner is just looking for the insurance payout.

    I believe the correct answer is “how many ya got?”

    What, Anker doesn’t make one of these? I thought this was anker.kinja.com...

    What, Anker doesn’t make one of these? I thought this was anker.kinja.com...

    Sadly, this is all too common. Several years ago on my way to work I witnessed a guy get hit by a minivan. He literally flipped over the top of the van and landed in the street. I stopped and went to help while calling 911. Two other cars (and the van) stopped, but nobody else approached or even spoke to me to ask

    I know, right? Seems a bit of a letdown...

    Just remember it this way: stalagmites might reach the ceiling, and stalactites hold tight to the ceiling. 

    That’s the benefit of multi-engine. Yes, you’re more likely to have an engine failure (more engines = more chances for failure), but you’re also more likely to be able to fly it to a safe(r) landing spot.

    Holy hashtags, batman!

    My point is that if you’re still on the same lap as the leaders, and eventually end up on the podium, after 24 hours of racing, then the handicap is not unfair or unjust, and thus not a severe handicap. It’s an “appropriate” handicap.

    Even “live” TV broadcasts have a built-in delay, so I’d be surprised if FIA/WEC didn’t do the same.

    This is why I love watching the GT4 European Series.

    Except they were still in a position to profit when the Corvette lost time on the final lap. Eventually ending up second — on the same lap as the leader — isn’t exactly a severe handicap.

    I disagree; your assessment assumes an immediate flat. I think what we saw here was a slow leak.

    Exteriors are a bit too shiny, to be honest. I’ve watched thousands of hours of racing, and I’ve never been distracted by the reflections of other cars on the hood like in those videos.

    My doors will still open from the inside even if they’re locked. And if someone is trying to rescue you, they’ll likely just break the windows (assuming they’re not shattered already).

    It’d be cheaper to buy this, buy a flying example, and swap all the “Elvis” bits over...

    He means, “Track Day” takes up more than one day (hence, “Days”). And the answer is, yes absolutely each and every time. Track day isn’t a single day thing, it’s an event you prepare for.

    That’s pretty cool, though I should note that Dairy Queen “ice cream” can’t technically be called ice cream, because it’s less than 5% milkfat. Still...I love it.

    That’s pretty cool, though I should note that Dairy Queen “ice cream” can’t technically be called ice cream, because

    I use the same Ben & Jerry’s recipes in both mixers. It works okay in the softserve machine, but again, I prefer the Kitchenaid attachment.

    I use the same Ben & Jerry’s recipes in both mixers. It works okay in the softserve machine, but again, I prefer