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    You should definitely check out LukHash. He uses some C64s and (I think) GameBoys as well, but also mixes in some other instrumentation. Very listenable.

    Not exactly that style, but the original GTA (1997) was a top-down:

    A British band using a picture of a German airship crashing in the USA?

    You have a few different ones here. Some of those are badge bars (like this) where you can put badges or lights.

    This is what I’m thinking. This looks exactly like someone who just “upgraded” the rear brakes from drum to disc, and either hasn’t dialed them in yet, or doesn’t realize they need to.

    It doesn’t matter if they knew the information or not. Your flight gets delayed, okay, you get a little annoyed. But then when a family with a kid gets off the plane, you — what...clap? They obviously knew that this kid was somehow related to their delay. I can’t think of a single situation where the plane gets

    I feel like I post this a lot, but as someone who previously owned a Neon, it could be a good car. Yeah, it popped the head gasket at 104k (but we took just 3 years to get to that point), but it was a solid performer if you drove it right.

    These are both great movies, and both are on my shelf. But I always give the nod to Audrey Hepburn. It helps that How to Steal A Million is pretty dang funny.

    I wouldn’t say they’ve stopped development. Sure, the current train design at WDW is from 1989, but in just 2014 they did a major upgrade to automate the entire system. That’s a fair bit of development required.

    Same group who did the LEGO paper airplane machine the other day:

    We’re only really seeing one side of the story here. Alsop reports that Elon Musk called him and cancelled his order — but what did Alsop say to Musk on that call to make him want to cancel his order? We’ll probably never know.

    I think what Ford is getting at is that, with few upgrades (cage and suspension are standard items for any race vehicle I’ve ever built), you can take your Raptor and competitively race it in this series.

    I suppose that’s true. They could put ‘em up at the Super 8, though, and let ‘em get only one room. That’s $39 well spent.

    I really think the 2.0L EcoBoost motor would be ideal, personally.

    Most likely they’re salaried, aka “we can abuse you as much as we want, because you’re exempt from overtime”

    The problem is tires. I bet with the right winter tires, this wouldn’t be as terrible in the snow. In fact, I’d venture to say you could have the same experience in a Toyota Camry if you had the wrong tires on. Minus all the good parts, anyway.

    If I recall correctly, she was quoted as saying (about Pikes Peak) something to the effect of “If they had any real balls, we’d race back DOWN the hill.”

    I tell my friends who keep having kids “so’s I gets me a boy” that they’re insane. There are precious few things in this world that a girl cannot do, and I tell them — and my daughter — as much.