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    To be fair, the way you become an official photographer is by having an impressive portfolio of motorsports photography, which can only be had by starting as a spectator with a fancy camera.

    Really want these for my MGB GT for TSD rally, but the purchase price of them is nearly more than what I paid for the car...

    That’s why John Varley had his characters use them to build a spaceship in Red Thunder

    Other way around: The Solstice reminds you of the Tamora (since it came first). You just didn’t know it. :)

    Human error? Time to hand that job over to the computers.

    True, but there are police. Here in Oregon, we don’t do safety inspections. But you can bet this’ll get pulled and it’ll be towed if you drive past a cop...

    Not a DB9 — a DBS! Even better! (or at least it’s been tweaked to look like a DBS, including the rear badge)

    Great, so California (being the place with the proper convergence of technology and money, and thus the largest market) will end up setting the standard for the rest of the country/world.

    Tim and Tom are fantastic to watch. I found Tom’s YouTube channel during last year’s event, and it’s been my goto for this year.

    Yeah, Amazon has these all over for $6-12. Just bought one myself to turn off a CEL on the wife’s car. $12 on Amazon, works with the Torque app.

    Yeah, Amazon has these all over for $6-12. Just bought one myself to turn off a CEL on the wife’s car. $12 on

    They’re fun. Get one out in a muddy field, and it’s a great time.

    Wait, I though only comedians were to be featured....oh, wait.

    We all blame dad and mom; they did TSDs in the 60s, and about 20 years ago started to get back into them, and naturally being a family of car folks we all joined in. That led to “performance TSDs” (i.e. Canadian TSDs, and fun things like The Road Not Taken here in Oregon), which naturally lead to stage rally.

    That one was actually my brother’s wife (fiance at the time). But, yeah, that laughter.

    Now playing

    I have a couple like that, from ages ago. First one is oldest brother Matt barely missing Doug Schrenk’s Saab:

    Yeah, I was gonna say, I don’t see “labor” listed there...