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    Had the SR5 version. Should have held onto it and done what these guys did. If only...

    Aside from being in non-HD, Richard Hammond’s video seems to have a pretty decent production quality to it. So...take that cameraperson, and whomever edited it together, and then grab the 3 guys and hit the road for a road trip.

    My brother used to have a 2-door Sidekick, and even though it had a soft top that was easy to take off or slash, he had some yahoo pop the lock. I mean, seriously? The extra stupid part was the plastic window right next to the door still had the slash from the last guy who broke in; just break the tape and reach

    I dunno. Most people walk in the door, drop their keys by the front door, then go about their business. Even when they’re asleep and/or on the other side of the house, the key is within a couple hundred feet of the car.

    I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought of this.

    Let’s hope it works out the same for her.

    I, too, had heard they were closing it down shortly. I’m guessing the management is now wishing they would have accelerated those plans.

    Doesn't want to intimidate? Should have gone more B.O.B. of V.I.N.CENT rather than Maximilian.

    I was gonna say, classic Mustangs are rather cheap, unless one is still living in his parent’s basement and waiting for high school to be over (which is probably the case with this guy).

    Honey, I Shrunk The Soldiers.

    That’s what I was thinking. Reading all the work he had to do to the block makes me think “wouldn’t it have been easier to just make a new block?”

    Now playing

    Ssshhh...don't let her hear you say that. She'll start getting a big head! Then I'll have to break this video out during Eastern dinner (BTW, she's driving my car here...)

    Do both! My sister rallies AND knits. Not at the same time, though (especially since she's a driver). You being a co-driver, though...well, those transits can get awfully boring.

    Public Service Announcement: Tripods don't flinch at the crucial moment.

    Yes, exactly. I'd be all over this.

    This would be cool. Not a fan of Bourdain, but Clarkson would do this format well.

    This would be pretty cool, actually. Lots of good programming on YouTube already.

    You don't have to physically restrain him. You call the cops. "Hey, we've got a really drunk guy here trying to get into his car and drive off. We can't convince him to stay, and I'm pretty sure he's gonna kill someone if he gets behind the wheel."

    And Mr. Bates totally killed all those people, right? Am I right? Dude is a murderer.

    Think of the older workers as the Mr. Carsons and Mrs. Hughes of the world, at a higher and respected level but with nowhere to go. The second tier of workers are the footman and kitchen staff, either waiting for someone to die (or get arrested) to move up, or having to choose a life elsewhere. On top of that, you