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    Oh, I know, for tire tread depths it makes sense to keep the same denominator. Doesn't change the fact my math teacher in school would have knocked some points off for not reducing. Freakin' math teacher.

    Yeah, my math teach growing up would have marked me down for not reducing that fraction to 1/4.

    This is a great example of the differing masses a car and a bike have. I expect this to be shown in a high school physics class.

    I'm guessing they do, since the video mentioned finding a seat near a home (which is indicative of it coming out with the pilot). Either way, they got out quickly and (relatively) safely.

    Most likely, but since everyone came out okay we get to make Instagram jokes. Or maybe he's posting his latest "survive a plane crash with this amazing lifehack" to Pinterest. :)

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    If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend the James May special where he goes up in the TU-2 (James May On The Moon). Here's a clip:

    Great, now I have Far East Movement stuck in my head.

    Alright, so imagine him with 46.979865772 physical horses. Hmm...might be hard to handle. Like a Hellcat.

    Thanks to his legendary Midnight Ride, we know Revere could do amazing things with a horse, but could you imagine him behind the wheel of a Hellcat?

    Right, but that movie represents a change in the behavior towards hacking and hackers. He was a good guy, naive to the point of recklessness, but because of that movie the public perception of hacking was forever changed, and not for the good.

    I'll grant you that — he didn't hack the car, definitely. Still, hacking together a CAN-BUS interface in a night, is impressive, moreso for a 14 year old.

    Actually, for the first time in several decades, the term "hack" is being properly applied. A "hack" isn't someone breaking into something secure and stealing whatever's there. A "hack" is a cool trick, something done "the hard way" not because it's the only way, but because it's the fun way. Steven Levy defines a

    It would have only been $10, but he splurged on the Nixie tube.

    I agree. It's busted already; push it onto it's wheels and drive it off the highway.

    Bentley's press release does not specifically mention the GT Speed's horsepower, but the last version made 626 hp.

    Aero 8 GTN. Want.

    Every time I see this ad, I fear for the lady. With my '71 MGB GT, if you lean like this, the hatch falls rather abruptly and painfully.

    Googling "BOSIET".....results returned....