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    When I was a rally driver, those would have been far more useful on my side of the car. My co-driver Kevin was always spot on. Me? Not so much. I think I once argued with him what was left and right as we were making the corner in question.

    The mad skills part comes from knowing when to counter steer, and how much. That, of course, is just the steering portion of their mad skills.

    Now what are you saying, that the CIA caused the Managua earthquake?!

    Man, I'd love one of these as my work-at-home office...

    There are indeed programs to teach English in foreign countries. I have some acquaintances who are doing that very thing in Thailand right now. Do some research, you'll find many such programs.


    Great news! Another week has passed, and Friday is once again upon us – and as many of you well know, that means precisely one thing: if you practice Orthodox Judaism, you are not allowed to operate an automobile after sundown.

    There's a Wanker's Corner not far from where I grew up in Oregon. Though everyone always pronounced it "Wonker's", probably because Wanker sounds obscene.

    Actually, blowing up really bad guys so they don't do more really bad things is one definition of "caring about the future." Just sayin'

    It doesn't take every cop, does it? Just one or two in charge.

    Do you really believe you live in a country where the police are not entrepreneurial?

    I love John, he's a great guy. But he seems to fall into the "win or break/crash" category that Colin McRae was in.

    Yup, been on both ends of the rope there. My brother had his 323GTX towed at speed down a stage when his clutch let go. He said it was...interesting.

    Suggested By: TheStigsGermanCousin, Photo Credit: Oscar Josué Elvir Vasquez

    If I recall correctly, the Star Trek "Enterprise" model previously resided downstairs in the gift shop. Assuming it's the same one, of course.

    Okay....that's pretty cool.

    Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I missed that. I would file real-time video as a nice-to-have, rather than a need-to-have, though. Unless there are significant systems that are being managed by the "ground crew" (as it were), rather than the on-board pilot. In which case, you might need real-time data like that, though I'd

    Can you give us some information on this particular test? I'll admit I'm naive on radio, not to mention land speed attempts. But if the sole purpose is maintaining communications...wouldn't a decent military-grade system do that? I mean, we're able to talk to our fighters, which are going more than 1000mph. Right?

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    Toncontìn Airport in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Talk about a short approach...

    Yeah, that's hardly worth a mention. Many Top Gear guests have gone on off-track excursions.