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    I'd go for at least a 6-point cage. I've bent 6 point cages in rally cars before. Can't imagine a 4 point holding up very well. In my experience, it should be tied into the car at every spot possible.

    Not true. Pick any year Chevy Cavalier. Nobody will get pissed off.

    Think of it this way: The GTO is an iconic classic. But in the 70s, it was just another gas guzzling car in an era of high gas prices, so few people really thought about saving them. Fast forward 40 years, and now the prices for a nice original GTO are insane. My father-in-law shakes his head when he thinks how he

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    This would be very sweet with binaural audio, like this.

    Looks like that rear-view camera was running off Linux. You can see the typical startup, followed briefly by the X-Windows "X" mouse icon.

    I hope so. Otherwise, sign me up for a planecar!

    <i>so if you get above 5g on the turns, one of the wheels picks up off the ground.</i>

    Agreed. My seatbelt is on either immediately before or after starting my car, but never ever while the car is in motion (even going slowly). It just doesn't feel right. Not to mention, not wearing a seatbelt is stupid.

    Love Vancouver Island. Did a couple of rallies up there (one stage rally [Edge of the Rock] and one TSD rally).

    I was wondering that myself. Didn't realize we needed that level of supervision...

    I was going to say it looked an awful lot like the Pacific Northwest. Which looks nearly identical to coastal BC. So I wasn't far off!

    Excellent point, both of you. I missed that tidbit.

    I hit 105mph during a gravel rally in my mechanically stock '92 Nissan Sentra SE-R. That's 140hp, FWD with a limited slip diff. The E30 BMW has around 170hp.

    I say the best way to prove if this is even possible is to build a replica of Whitehead's plane and see if it can actually do the feats that it's attributed with. If not, then either we're missing some crucial piece of the design, or it didn't fly.

    I get the feeling that there is a serious amount of "don't ask" going on here.

    That's awesome. It's cool that they found the Bronco, too. Sadly, I bet the trailer was scrapped years ago.

    This one doesn't bother me, since it happened during competition. That's how fast cars are meant to die (or be injured). It's like a warrior getting wounded or dying on the battlefield.

    I'll third it. We've had 3 throughout my family. One of them got rolled down a 150ft hill (the hard way). When it was brought back up to the road, it worked perfectly, despite every body panel having some massive damage. Tracked straight, drove fine. Even the power windows and locks worked great (interestingly,

    Heck, leave it as is and use it for a rally stage (normal rally, not rallycross). The mixed/broken surface would be an interesting challenge, though it would end up being totally destroyed by the end of the event.

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    Here you go...Bing Crosby and The Andrews Sisters. This song will get stuck in your head (well, it does mine).