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    Finally, some good music. Mind you, this isn't Bing's finest effort, but it's a good start.

    Yes yes yes, times 1000 yes. I mentioned it elsewhere, but their sample size is a huge .0003233% of the USA population, so there's no possible way it can mean anything more than marketing info for Zipcar.

    I second that. They went into a city, and asked 1000 people their opinion on cars vs smartphones. I'm not at all shocked at the results.

    Came here to post this. Was not disappointed to see that's already here. This one is a total classic.

    Agreed. Love the looks of that thing. Glad it's still flying.


    As the father of a 30 month old little girl, I am 100% right there with you.  That poor kid...

    That's like when my dad requested a new Home Depot card because his old one broke. He filled out in the "reason" field "Old one broke."

    Not necessarily.  See, the folks newer to rally are seeded at the back of the pack so they don't get in the way of those going faster because they have more experience.  In reality, size of balls (or even having any, as my sister will attest) has little to do with pack location.  And when you first start out in a

    That's my thinking as well.  "Starion" sounds 100% 80s.

    You might even argue we did it through the opposite of diversity, since we used ex-Nazi rocket scientists...

    I very highly recommend reading this if you're into space stuff and computers.  Interesting discussion of the Apollo landings from one of the engineers who built the guidance and landing computers.

    I'm not sure it will, at least not for a while.  There's some impressive tech here, but the bulk of this is exotic, lightweight materials and construction, which is expensive (and has been for a while, thus I don't see that changing in the near future).

    Remember, this article (at least) is touting primarily the savings in fuel costs, hence the reason that's the focus of my post above.  There are obviously a few hundred other things to consider (see others comments about maintenance, etc).

    I hear ya.  I have a '71 MGB GT that I feel the same way about.

    Yeah, on a classic Mini, that's a different story.  

    Well, yeah, there's that.  I'll give you that.  I had an old Honda, they're not that entertaining to drive.  

    I don't even think it would work out over a 20 year period, let alone 10 years.  They don't say what the cost is, but I bet you're looking at Ferrari money here.  For $3000 you can buy a used Honda that gets 40mpg.  

    Hopefully by then the price will be something closer to what actual humans can afford.  Those who can afford this now, don't really care about fuel economy...