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    This is how I read it, too. The ticket is small potatoes to a Lambo driver — heck, think how much it costs to fuel it.

    I'll throw a monkey wrench into your new carpet example...

    You know, that's actually a solid plan. It gives you a pretty good insight into the previous owner's mindset.

    That's fantastic.

    You want entertaining? Search YouTube for "Bush Pilot Take Offs" and "Bush Pilot Landings".

    He was probably following the old FWD maxim: When in doubt, power out.

    Agreed! At most, I'd do a Hemi.

    Ran the Reno rally one year. Lots and lots of bunnies come out, especially at night.

    Well, seeing as how there was a teenager at the wheel, and a 21-year-old person next to him, and they were in a Ferrari probably travelling at a high rate of speed, I'm sure there was video rolling. Just find the iPhone (yeah, you can bet it was an iPhone), assuming it wasn't burned to a crisp.

    The ironic thing is, everything I've read said that things were safer on the highways in Montana when they didn't have a speed limit...

    Full disclosure: I don't know anything about the solar industry, or these power start ups specifically. I haven't followed the political debates, nor the power industry.

    Not a light, but in Beaverton, OR there is a traffic circle that has stop signs for the roads entering the circle. That's right...instead of a simple 4-way stop, they have this huge traffic circle, where everyone is required to stop when entering into it, thus defeating the benefits of a traffic circle.

    Some people call it luck. I like to call it....well luck, actually, what's your point?

    Nope, I'm with you. The truck in front of the camera swerves to the right, hoping to avoid the stopped traffic in front of him. He realizes that he won't make it, so he attempts to swing across oncoming traffic to the large open area/road off to the left in between two trucks.

    Well said

    I'm sure many respectable bike clubs do. The problem is that you then get a group of guys who don't like those rules, so they go and form their own club without the rules.

    You're parents done raised you right.

