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    This. This right here. This is why WRC needs to go back to RWD.

    We call it "ditch hooking" or "cutting." Sometimes you'll hear the co-driver say "don't cut," and that means "stay the freak out of the ditch, there's a big rock/tree/cliff/etc there"

    Hey, Rutledge and Adam — can you take this terrible Kinja commenting system away? Please?

    Actually, from what I understand, it had nothing to do with the event. Since 95% of the year it's a public road, and a popular one at that, the state decided that it should be paved.

    I'll jump on.

    You were 8 years old in 1997? Freakin' kids; I was a year out of high school.

    There are exceptions. My family seems to love them some Subaru (2 WRXs (Mom & Brother), 1 STi (Other brother), 1 Forester (Sister), and I think there's another Forester hanging around somewhere) as well as rally the things (1 WRX (other brother) & 1 2.5RS (brother)).

    Glad I'm not the only one who vastly prefers the old style. I find myself reading maybe the first half-dozen comments, then skipping on to something else. Whereas with the old system, I'd usually read nearly every comment.

    I think you might be correct. I believe it's the starter motor. I don't recall where I've seen it before, but something in my brain tells me...starter motor.

    Seconded. If I never see another fart-can equipped WRX with a 20-something behind the wheel who probably thinks himself the next Ken Block — and will crash just as spectacularly, I might add — it'll be too soon.

    "Good afternoon, Mr. Danger. I'm Rocky Rococo"

    That's funny, starbreaker gives you the old "RTFA", when he doesn't even read your comment. I guess that'd be, what, RTFC?

    Agreed. If you've never seen a car fire, you should know that they go up amazingly quick, and are very hard to put out.

    If you can, try and make it the winning lottery ticket.

    Chances are the other makes in the series don't have the same restrictor plates. In a series like this, each make has it's own subset of the rules to make sure none has an unfair advantage over the others. The small restrictor plate is most likely unique to the Mustang.

    Well, I work from home now, but I used to have a really awesome commute over twisting mountainous country backroads. So, it didn't take much, even in a mundane car, to make it great.

    That's the way I see the Cygnet as well. It's the old "sure, we'll build something to bring our emissions requirements across our product range in line. Here, look, now we sell a tiny city car. Now go away, emissions nazis, so we can get back to our core business."

    It's the white-face gauges on the minivan that made all the difference here. Those things add tons of vtecs.