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    It's probably because they tend to take more chances, or at least chances that those of us with lesser skill would avoid (because we know we don't have the skill to pull it off).

    This reflects perfectly their approach to champagne. The only true champagne is from the Champagne region. Everything else is merely "sparkling white wine."

    Flash in the pan, like those digital dashboards and "talking" cars of the late 80s/early 90s.

    Nah, it's easy. Two things you need for everything British, including replacement bodies: Moss Motors, and Victoria British. They both have free catalogs they'll send you in the mail, and you can do all your ordering via phone.

    I normally (used to) drive, but my car was, ah...."in the shop."

    I always say it's better to be lucky than good.

    Two stories that this reminded me of:

    That's the sign of a good photographer. I bet this was his thought process:

    shooting gravel everywhere (despite the burly mud flaps)

    I have to tell you, when I started reading your post, it was with the voiceover guy from the intro to "The A-Team."

    They're two vastly different markets. You won't find the same folks shopping for both.

    I don't even have the door key to my '46 Dodge pickup. If they can figure out where reverse is, have the leg strength to operate the clutch (direct actuation FTW!), and discover how to operate the starter, well...by that time I'm probably back at the truck and beating them over the head with a lug wrench.

    They can print ads right on the side of my part.

    I didn't even realize DeVry had a short bus...

    Idiot would have been better to claim he fell asleep at the wheel.

    Classic. And even more disturbing is I could pick up the lyrics from there, from memory, and nearly complete the song.

    Man, I really really miss that strip.

    You know, the man once drove a rally car in the 1986 Olympus rally...

    Count me in that group. Love that show. This would be a worthy addition to the Warehouse.

    Now playing

    Once again, this seems appropriate for the story.