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    Is it possible for the double #COTD? Because this duet is awesome.

    Does My Socrates Note mean anything to anyone?

    It's actually more common on heavy/unwieldy cars like that, as the center of gravity is higher, and thus more susceptible to minute weight transfers.

    At least two GoPro cameras mounted nicely to the windshield, and we get the passenger-held camera version?

    Yes and no. You're right that, as stated above, it allows them to renegotiate some contracts and help with old dept. But I also imagine the stock takes a dive, as investors pull out of what could be a sinking ship (falling airplane?).

    Typically referred to as "lift-off oversteer", and most commonly found mid-corner (just ask the guy with the vintage 911). Affects FWD, RWD, and AWD, as it's essentially a weight transfer issue causing one or more wheels to get light.

    Agreed. The car with the sign is telling him to take the next turn (to the right), and it appears to me he attempts a Swedish flick, and it never comes back from the flick to the left.

    Yep, the man's a legend up here. He can be found at all the race and rally events in the Northwest.

    Regarding #6, the Porsche 911 — that's Dennis Chizma's 911 rally car. He ran it in Production class in the Pacific Northwest about 12 years ago.

    Yep. My wife just shakes her head at me.

    I'm in Oregon, too, but out in the country, where we don't have to go through DEQ (emissions checking).

    Well put, and exactly right. Most folks only look at the fuel used to propel the vehicle, rather than the resources used to produce the vehicle as well.

    In which case, I'm doubly happy that it was returned to them. The insurance company would have had to pay to fix the ignition and any other damage, but the owner was still saddled with the car and whatever problems it was causing them.

    My brother and I found a first gen RX-7 in the woods behind my grandparents house once. It had obviously been stolen (ignition ripped out), and no doubt the thieves were stashing it until the heat died down. It was in great shape, aside from the ignition, and was parked in a nice hiding spot, not hooned there at

    I second this #QOTD suggestion. They have some really awesome weaponry.

    I covet your E36 M3. If you tell me it's a sedan, I may have to steal it from you.

    Correct. Excellent story on the Cougar Ace and the salvage team here:

    I see it, too, and on my RSS feed I have this as the text:

    What I love about the Prius folks is that, half of them tout the environment savings, and the other half tout the money they're saving in fuel.