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    @TrampaOnline: I see so many cars burning oil that my wife, who knows very little about cars, knows to shout "you need new rings!"

    @twinrotormotor: I was going through an intersection one day behind a first-gen Dodge Neon, when it died in front of me. My friend and I pulled over, and helped push the thing to the side.

    @87CE 95PV Type Я: I'd call a police officer and have them sit on the street outside my shop.

    @mastiff0: Oh, heck yeah. WWII airplane engines FTW.

    @_UsUrPeR_: Great engine mated to a great car. Most fun when turning near redline while sliding sideways.

    @Dusty_Duster: Yet, the Mustang would not be legal to race in the events that this one would.

    @CivicRallyFan: A local engineering firm creates custom sequential gearboxes, so for fun I asked for a rough quote for my '71 MGB GT.

    @Pete Gaines: What if the typo was intentional?

    @86LX5.0: (For those who haven't seen "Shooter," it's pretty good)

    @cmdrfire: "Cars don't kill people, ΔV kills people."

    @stoneflysoldie: Yet, interestingly, the drivers in Washington don't understand the concept of "keep right except to pass."

    @cesariojpn: Alright, I'm glad I'm not the only one to remember that game show. People give me weird looks when I say things like "No wammies! No wammies!"

    @stephdumas: There's so much WTF going on in this clip, I don't even no where to start!

    @rigidjunkie: Is it me, or is there a bunch of oil spewing out of the bottom of that backwards 911?

    I love me a Beech 18 (aka Twin Beech). If I had the cash, I'd buy one.

    @Optixtruf: Hindenburg-class Zeppelins FTW!